Photo: CPL. Joshua Young.

Archbishop of the Military Services Says Catholic Troops Can Refuse Vaccine

October 13, 2021
What else is each side focusing on?
  • Vaccine mandates for military service are common.
  • Pope Francis has been clear that Catholics should have no religious objection to the vaccine.
  • The Archbishop for the Military Services can be stripped of his military position by the government.
  • It is possible even for church officials to disagree with the Pope.
  • Conscientious objection is sufficient reason to not get vaccinated.
  • Individuals should ultimately decide what goes into their own bodies.
The Narrative

The government should strip the Archbishop of his military position and continue to enforce the vaccine mandate.

The Archbishop is legitimizing an illegitimate view on COVID-19 vaccines. Anyone asking for a religious exemption is using religion as an excuse, not as their actual motivation to not get vaccinated.

The Archbishop is recognizing that religious people can disagree with the Pope in good conscience.

An individual’s religious views should be respected no matter what, and vaccine mandates that ignore this are explicitly anti-Catholic and anti-religious freedom.

What else is the left focusing on?

  • Vaccine mandates for military service are common.
  • Pope Francis has been clear that Catholics should have no religious objection to the vaccine.
  • The Archbishop for the Military Services can be stripped of his military position by the government. 

The narrative: The government should strip the Archbishop of his military position and continue to enforce the vaccine mandate.

The Archbishop is legitimizing an illegitimate view on COVID-19 vaccines. Anyone asking for a religious exemption is using religion as an excuse, not as their actual motivation to not get vaccinated.

What else is the right focusing on?

  • It is possible even for church officials to disagree with the Pope.
  • Conscientious objection is sufficient reason to not get vaccinated.
  • Individuals should ultimately decide what goes into their own bodies.

The narrative: The Archbishop is recognizing that religious people can disagree with the Pope in good conscience.

An individual’s religious views should be respected no matter what, and vaccine mandates that ignore this are explicitly anti-Catholic and anti-religious freedom.

What do you think? Do you agree with one side, or do you fall somewhere in between? Give us feedback on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook, or by emailing